Mallorytown to Prescott and Ogdensburg events

Tom Hurlbut and the longboat flotilla and crews (having encamped Tuesday night at Prescott) will arrive with boats on trailers at Mallorytown landing early in the morning of Wednesday 14 July to launch. La Revenante should be already there at anchor waiting for them. Would suggest arriving the evening of Tuesday 13 July.

Flotilla then sails for Prescott to arrive Wednesday night, pausing for lunch at Brockville (TBD). Longboats go into the Marina, while La Revenante ties up at the 'Bounty' seawall face halfway between the Coast Guard dock and the Marina, at the foot of Centre Street and immediately in front of the Red George pub.
La Revenante is alongside the 'Bounty' dock all day Thursday while the 'Rivermen of Yore' event goes on.
Friday, La Revenante slips from Prescott and crosses with flotilla to Ogdensburg for the F&I War event, and goes alongside river jetty at Fort La Presentation, in French colours. Some 15 boats are expected for the weekend.
Sunday,La Revenante then leaves for her next port and adventure. Will keep you posted here on the site.
Starbord side
Taken off Kingston. Photo by Mary Beruth

Starbord side

Victor Suthren and Donny Craig looking too relaxed . Photo by Mary Beruth


Starbord side

Ghosting along nicely. Photo by Mary Beruth